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Saturday, 30 November 2013

Appendix –Social Science (B.Ed. revised curriculum 2013)

Appendix –Social Science (B.Ed. revised curriculum 2013)
EDU 04.10
Practicum- (CE-4)
  • Problem based learning in Social Science- How far it possible?
  • Multimedia approach in Social Science Teaching
  • Compare traditional and modern instructional strategies and its effectiveness in Teaching Social Science
  • Critical pedagogy and the teaching of Social Science
  • How far knowledge construction is possible in Social Science at secondary level?
 (Prepare practicum on any one of the topics listed above with theoretical and practical aspects (5 to 7 pages) and with a Power Point to present the topic)
EDU 05.10
Practicum- (CE-4)
  • Application of learning theories in the pedagogic practices- Problems and prospects
  • Learning activities for developing Multiple Intelligences in Social Science (with examples from content area)
  • Changing evaluation systems in school education
  • Different approaches in lesson planning
  • Prepare a report comparing Social Science text books of NCERT and SCERT of Kerala in standard 8 or 9 or10 (Contents included, content organization method, scope for process oriented learning, chances to go beyond text book information etc. should be considered)
(Prepare practicum on any one of the topics listed above with theoretical and practical aspects (5 to 7 pages) and with a Power Point to present the topic)

EDU 09.10
Practicum- (CE-3)
·         Developing higher order thinking skills through the teaching of Social Science
·         How Meta cognition leads to open mindedness through the teaching learning process of Social Science?
·         Select a community resource of your choice and prepare a programme of action of its effective utilization while transacting a content area.
·         Prepare Local History of your choice
·         Teaching of current events and controversial issues in Social Science
(Prepare practicum on any one of the topics listed above with theoretical and practical aspects (5 to 7 pages) and with a Power Point to present the topic)

EDU 10.10
Practicum (CE- 3)
·        Any one Unit plan prepared for the units allotted to the student teachers during teaching practice

Practical courses (semester 1)
1. College based
  1. Discussion: 10 (3 models of teaching)
  2. Observation of 2 model video lessons & reporting( teacher monitored)
  3. Demonstration lessons:5(different categories)
  4. Micro teaching:1skill/student(video recording & lesson notes)
  5. Criticism:10 (all are practiced with school student/peers) includes 3 models of teaching
  6. Computer/ICT lesson : 1(group work 3-4 members)
  7. Development of script of video lessons): 2 (group work- 3 to 4 members)

Practical courses (semester 1)
2. School based
Initiatory school experiences- school visit & reporting
       School induction 4 days with 3 periods teaching/shared practice( 3 members). ( teaching : 15 marks + diary 5 marks)
Ø  4 continuous working days
Ø  Observation of senior teacher’s class individually/small groups
Ø  Informal meeting with teachers
Ø  Observe learning facilities & social climate
Ø  Maintain a detailed dairy
Ø  Reflection session
a. College based
                Edu201.1: submission of online assignment
                                  :presentation of innovative work
                                  Preparation and uploading of Power Point slides
b. School based
Ø  Teaching practice – 40 lessons
Ø  Peer review records-10
Ø  Diagnostic test & Remedial measures
Ø  Achievement test, statistical analysis & interpretation
Ø  Reflective journal
c. Community based
ü  Community living camp – 4 days residential camp
ü  Study tour

EdU 09&10 : CE of optional subject
Edu 201.1   : online assignment
                   :innovative work
                   :record of tg. practice
                   :peer review record
                   :Diagnostic test
                   :achievement test
                   :reflective journal

Model reflective journal
Name of student:                                        Unit:  
Topic:                                                         Date:

How do the activities listed make a link with what was learnt the previous day?

Describe the process I went through to complete the teaching task:

Where I got the idea from and how I explored the topic or subject:

What are the strengths of my work? What still makes me uneasy?

What problems I encountered and what revision strategies I used:

What makes this lesson different from the previous one?

Whether I able to achieve my objectives?

Own judgement of overall effect of the class:

Own suggestions if any for betterment in next class:

Signature of student teacher                                      Teacher Educator                                                                                        



NAME OF THE PEER:                                                                 TOPIC:                                 Date:
                                             TEACHER COMPETENCIES/SKILLS

Peer observation comment:

How to evaluate?
  1. Planning and organizing-  Topic, ways for collecting data, Supporting ,materials for presentation                                                                                                        5/4/3/2/1
  1. Data collection               - Literature Review, relevance, sources       5/4/3/2/1
  2. Content covered             - Structure, depth and quality of content     5/4/3/2/1
  3. Preparation of paper       - Organization of ideas, clarity, creativity, analysis, interpretation and
                                        evaluation                                               5/4/3/2/1

  1. Presentation of paper      - Communication, participation and discussion, clarification and      
                                          reporting                                              5/4/3/2/1
                                                    (Find average score in 5)

Problem based study (Practicum)

  1. Planning                       - Relevance of the study, identification of the problem, selection of      
                                       appropriate tools for data collection and analysis     
                                                                                                ( 5/4/3/2/1)
  1. Data collection                -Adequacy, relevance and reliability of the data(literature review,  
                                                field visit, interview, observation, discussion)    
                                                                                                ( 5/4/3/2/1)
  1. Analysis and interpretation- Systematic arrangement of data analysis, interpretation, findings   
                                          and conclusions                                                    
                                                                                                 ( 5/4/3/2/1)
  1. Presentation of report -        Logical and sequential order, authenticity of report                                                                                                                                       ( 5/4/3/2/1)

  1. Timeliness                      -       Time bound completion                   ( 5/4/3/2/1)
                                                    (Find average score in 5)


Go through the contents thoroughly and comment on it..... For publishing your contents please email to kusstec@gmail.com. You can send doubts  to rsktvpm@rediffmail.com also. Please contribute creatively to enrich this blog for Academic enrichment of Teacher educators and student teachers   

“Technologies may change, but the innovations in pedagogy bring lasting benefit”

Those explore how innovations in technology might influence education; we examine how innovations in pedagogy might be enacted in an age of personal and networked technology.

One hundred years ago, in July 1913, Thomas Edison was quoted as saying, “Books will soon be obsolete in the public schools. ... It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture. Our school system will be completely changed inside of ten years.” A century later, children continue to read books in school.  Substitute the word ‘tablet computer’, ‘netbook’ or ‘Smartphone’ for ‘motion picture’ and it would be hard to predict whether these technologies will completely change schools in five, ten, twenty years, or ever.  But, in the same newspaper article, Edison also referred to a new way of learning “through the eye”, whereby children come to understand scientific concepts by viewing pictures in motion, “making the scientific truths, difficult to understand from text books, plain and clear to children.”  Learning from short animated movies is still a hot topic of research and is being integrated into game-based learning. New interactive software apps such as an animated periodic table and a virtual planetarium offer ways to learn “through  the eye” that would have delighted Edison.  The technologies may change, but the innovations in pedagogy bring lasting benefit.