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Friday, 28 February 2014

Model Question Paper Social Science

(Revised scheme- 2013)
Paper 1V-EDU04.10 Theoretical Base of Social Science Education – I
Duration: 2 Hours                                                                                Maximum: 50 Marks

[Instruction: Answer all questions from Part A and Part B, four questions from Part C and one question from Part D.]

                 (Select the most appropriate option from those given in the brackets)
1.      The most higher order instructional objective under revised Blooms Taxonomy
(A.  Evaluation, B. Creating, C. Remembering, D. Analyzing)
2.      The central point of Social studies
(A.  Nature, B. Universe, C. Man, D. Values)
3.      Creation of a new schema is
(A.  Assimilation, B. Accommodation, C. Guided Response, D. Scaffolding)
4.      The learning strategy which helps the learner to gain from each other’s efforts
(A.  Cooperative learning, B. Brain storming, C. Case study, D. Direct Instruction)
5.      Advance organizer model comes under
(A.  Social family, B. Behavioural systems family, C. Information processing family, D. Personal family)
6.      A Constructivist teacher
(A.  Promotes convergent thinking, B. Consider discipline more seriously, C. Promotes exam oriented learning, D. Accept student initiative and autonomy)
7.      Project method is an outcome of
(A.  Pragmatism, B. Naturalism, C. Idealism, D. Realism)
8.      Study of coins is an example of
(A.  Lecture method, B. Discussion method, C. Text book method, D. Source method)
9.      Syntax of a model means
(A.  Learning environment, B. objectives of lesson, C. Phases or steps, D. Learning resources)
10.  The support given by the teacher to students to construct knowledge during the process of learning is
(A.  Scaffolding, B. Direct instruction, C. Simulated teaching, D. Process evaluation)
                                                                                                   (10 x 1 = 10 Marks)

(Answer all Questions in a paragraph)
11.       What is the importance of Social Science as an integral part of secondary education?
12.       Examine the correlation of Social Science with Life.
13.  What is integrated curriculum?
14.      What is learner centered approach in Social Science?
15.      List the advantages of Problem method.
                                                                                           (5 x 2 = 10 Marks)
                                                               PART – C
(Answer any four Questions in one page each)
16.      Give an account about the approaches of Social Science learning as envisaged in the   National Curriculum Framework (NCF)-2005
17.     Examine the influence of Modern cognitive learning theories in Social Science   Classroom.
18.  Describe the values to be inculcated through the teaching of social Science.
19.  Explain the syntax of Jurisprudential model.
20.  Discuss the steps of project method and its advantages in teaching Social Science.
21.     What is multimedia approach in Social Science?
                                                                                                   (4 x 5 = 20 Marks)

 (Answer any one Question in 3 pages)
22.  Describe the features of cooperative learning and the strategies to be adopted to ensure cooperative learning among students.
23.  Describe the aims and objectives of teaching Social Science at secondary level. Do you consider these aims and objectives are relevant in the present day society? Why?
                                                                                                   (1 x 10 = 10 Marks)

(Revised scheme- 2013)
Duration: 2 Hours                                                                                Maximum: 50 Marks

[Instruction: Answer all questions from Part A and Part B, four questions from Part C and one question from Part D.]

                 (Select the most appropriate option from those given in the brackets)
1.      The teacher’s mental and emotional visualisaion of classroom activities is:
(A.  Year plan, B. Unit plan, C. Lesson Plan, D. Resource plan)
2.      Globe is an example of
(A.  Graphic aid, B. 3D aid, C. Audio Visual aid, D. Projected aid)
3.      The book which encourages self study of students
(A.  Text Book, B. Work Book, C. Hand book, D. Resource book)
4.      “Scaled down teaching encounter in class size and time” is:
(A.  Macro Teaching, B. Team Teaching, C. Models of Teaching, D. Micro Teaching)
5.      ‘Change in voice is a component of teaching skill
(A.  Reinforcement, B. Stimulus variation, C. Explaining, D. Introducing the lesson)
6.      The term ‘Democracy’ is an example of
(A.  Concept, B. Fact, C. Principle, D. Generalisation)
7.      Maximum content coverage is possible in which type of questions?
(A.  Objective, B. Essay, C. Short answer, D. Very short answer)
8.      Process evaluation is an example of:
(A.  Continuous evaluation, B. Summative evaluation, C. Unit test, D. Diagnostic test)
9.      While introducing the topic ‘Freedom movement’, students answered the first three questions of teacher and for the fourth one they became confused. This condition according to Piaget is:
(A.  Assimilation, B. Disequilibrium, C. Accommodation, D. Guided response)
10.  Meaningful verbal learning is possible for the topic ‘Factors of Production’ through:
(A.  Concept attainment model, B. Jurisprudential Inquiry Model, C. Advance Organizer model, D. Group Investigation Model)
                                                                                                 (10 x 1 = 10 Marks)

(Answer all Questions in a paragraph)
11.  Suggest a suitable situation where ‘map’ can be utilized for the effective transaction of content.
12.  Write a learning objective to inculcate human values while teaching the topic ‘Human Rights’.
13.      How will you utilize news papers while teaching the topic ‘Judiciary’?
14.      What is the importance of workshops in Social Science Learning?
15.  How computer can be utilized in Social Science Class as learning device?
                                                                                                   (5 x 2 = 10 Marks)

                                                               PART – C
(Answer any four Questions in one page each)
16.  Do you think that techniques of questioning will be effective in Social Science class?  Why?
17.     Examine the need and significance of Pedagogical analysis of content in Social Science.
18.    Do you think that practice of Micro Teaching skills will help to improve teaching efficiency of Social Science teachers? Why?
19.      Explain the need and significance of preparing Unit Plan.
20.  Explain the criteria needed for a good test.
21.  Suggest suitable learning experiences for the topic ‘Atmosphere’.
                                                                                                (4 x 5 = 20 Marks)
 (Answer any one Question in 3 pages)
22.  Give a critical review of any one of the Social Science text books prepared for the secondary classes in Kerala.
23.     Explain the need and significance of Learning Aids in Social Science and the relative importance of Graphic, Projected, 3D and Audio- visual aids.
                                                                                               (1 x 10 = 10 Marks)