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Sunday, 20 March 2016


(Two Year Syllubus 2015)
Paper -EDU09. Curriculum and Resources in a digital era- Social Science Education
Duration: 2 Hours                                                                                Maximum: 50 Marks
[Instruction: Answer all questions from Part A, B& C, four questions from Part D and one question from Part E.]

                 (Select the most appropriate option from those given in the brackets)
1.      The pivot and hub around which all activities in school resolve.
(A.Text book, B.ICT, C. Curriculum, D.Evaluation)
       2.  The approach to know things in the first instance as ‘wholes’ and gradually learn to analyse them.
(A.Concentric, B.Topical, C.Unit, D.Analytical)
       3.  E-learning in Social Science is compulsory for:
(A.Regular class room, B.Online Courses, C.Distance Education, D.Adult Education)
       4.  Utilisation of YouTube resources in classroom while teaching Social Science is:
(A.Video lesson presentation, B.Learning Mangement system, C. IT enabled process, D. Skill development programme)
       5.  Action research is conducted:
(A. To solve immediate learning problems, B. To modify curriculum, C.To revise text books, D. To develop approach paper)
                                                                                                           (5 x 1 = 5 Marks)
(Answer in a word or sentence)
      6.  Name any one of the community resources in Economics.
      7.  What is spiral approach in curriculum organization?
      8.  What is web based learning?
      9.  Mention the psychological principles behind the concentric approach.
      10. What is blogging?
                                                                                           (5 x 1 = 5 Marks)
(Answer all Questions in a paragraph)
1.      Define the concept of curriculum.
2.      What is Topical approach in curriculum organization of Social Science?
3.      What is the importance of Community Resources in Social Science Education?
4.      What is the need of research in the teaching learning process of Social Science?
5.      What is Learning Management System?                                                          (5x2= 10 Marks)
                                                               PART – D
(Answer any four Questions in one page each)

6.      Explain the modern trends in designing Social Science Curriculum.
7.      Give a brief outline about the approaches Social Science curriculum as envisaged in the National Curriculum Frame Work (NCF)- 2005
8.      Explain the role and functions of Social Science clubs while utilizing Community Resources.
9.      Give an account about the planning and importance of field trips in Social Science Learning.
10.  What are important principles to be considered while designing Social Science Curriculum?
11.  Illustrate the implementation of research findings in the Curriculum development and teaching- learning process of Social Science.                                                                (4x5= 20 Marks)

 (Answer any one Question in 3 pages)
12.  What are the important Community Resources to be utilised in Social Science learning? Explain the significance of each one and the ways to utilize it effectively.
13.  Explain the importance of e-resources in Social Science education. Mention the important IT enabled instructional resources and explain the ways to its effective utilization.
                                                                                                        (1x10=10 Marks)
(Two Year Syllubus 2015)
Duration: 2 Hours                                                                                Maximum: 50 Marks
[Instruction: Answer all questions from Part A, B& C, four questions from Part D and one question from Part E.]

                 (Select the most appropriate option from those given in the brackets)
1.      One which is not true about internet and teaching of Social Science:
    a) Data are available on various topics of Social Science.
    b) Video lessons on various topics are available for teaching purpose.
    c) Online distance education is possible in Social Science subject areas.
    d) All down loading materials on Social Science are authentic & Comprehensive.

2.      A simple example of techno pedagogy is:
    a) Showing a video clipping of election campaign while introducing the topic ‘Organs  of Government’
    b) Recording the seminar presentation on ‘Organs of Government’
          c) Show the printed pictures from internet suitable for the topic ‘Organs of Government’
          d) Directing the students to conduct a mock parliament
3.      Which among the following revolutionized the role of teacher as an authority of knowledge to the facilitator of learning and co learner in learning process?
   a) Right to Education Act.
   b) Right to Information Act.
   c) Extensive use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
   d) Right for equality of educational opportunity.
4.      E- content development on ‘Five Year Plans’ will be more useful for:
    a) Online learning, b) Video conferencing
    c) Regular class room, d) Power point presentation
5.      Second phase of Group Investigation Model is:
a)      Student encounter puzzling situation, b) Students explore reactions to the situation
b)      Independent and group study, d) Students analyse progress and process.
                                                                                                 (5 x 1 = 5 Marks)

(Answer in a word or sentence)
6.      What is meant by syntax of a model of teaching?
7.      What is meant by online learning?
8.      Which model of teaching gives importance to progressive differentiation and integrative reconciliation for information processing?
9.      Give an example of CAI while teaching of Social Science.
10.  What is institution networking?
                                                                          (5 x 1 = 5 Marks)
(Answer all Questions in a paragraph)
  1. Give an example of using technological device while introducing   a topic of your choice in Social Science.
  2. Mention the essential technological knowledge needed for a Social Science teacher at present.
  3. How will you utilize social networking systems to improve Social Science teaching?
  4. What is meant by Techno Pedagogic Content Knowledge Analysis?
  5. What are the different families of Models of Teaching?                (5x2= 10 Marks)
(Answer any four Questions in one page each)
  1. Compare the similarities or differences of Social Science curriculum of Kerala with any one of other state.
  2. Write a techno pedagogic content analysis on the topic “Atmosphere”.
  3. Explain the process of technological integration while teaching the topic “Gandhian Era”.
  4. Explain the essential elements of a Teaching Model.
  5. How will the self instructional strategies help the learners to study Social science?
  6. How will you develop a script for Video lesson? Give an example for a single concept to be transacted.                                                                                          (4x5= 20 Marks)
(Answer any one Question in 3 pages)

  1. Prepare a lesson script as per Group Investigation Model on a topic of your choice.
  2. Briefly explain the recent global trends in Social Science education and the importance of           e-content development in Social Science teaching.                           (1x10= 10 marks)