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Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Third sem Model question paper

(Two Year Syllabus 2015)
EDU 13.10 Emerging Trends and Practices in Social Science Education

Duration: 2 Hours                                                                                Maximum: 50 Marks
Answer all questions. Each question carries one mark.

1.   Which among the following is a reflective strategy for Social Science instruction?
(A. Peer Tutoring, B. Blended Learning, C. Meta Cognition, D. Contract Learning)
2.  The major objective of diagnostic test is -
(A. To assess the achievement of students, B. To locate the area of weakness of             students,  C. To assess the personality of students, 
       D. To study the problems of students)
 3.  E-learning in Social Science is compulsory for:
(A. Regular class room, B. Online Courses, C. Distance Education,  
  D. Adult Education)
 4. Who is the chief exponent of the theory of ‘Critical Pedagogy’?
(A. Paulo Freire, B. James Kulik, C. Jean Piaget,  D. Benjamin Bloom)
5.  Experiential Learning is -
(A. Teaching experience, B.  Learning experience, C. Low order Learning,
D. Learning through experience)
                                                                                                           (5 x 1 = 5 Marks)
Answer all questions in a word or sentence. Each question carries one mark.

6.  Name any one topic in Social Science that can be taught through ‘Experiential     Learning Strategy’.
      7.  What is multimedia as an instructional strategy?
      8.  What is ‘Web based Learning’?
      9.  Define ‘Rubrics’.
      10. What is ‘Blogging’?
                                                                                           (5 x 1 = 5 Marks)
Answer all Questions. Each question carries two marks.

1.      Define the term ‘Websites Surfing’.
2.      Distinguish between qualitative and quantitative assessment in Social Science Education.
3.      What is ‘Portfolio assessment’?
4.      Define ‘Peer tutoring’.
5.      What is ‘Learning Management System’?                                
                                                                                               (5 x 2= 10 Marks)


Answer any four Questions. Each question carries five marks.

6.      Explain the principles of feedback mechanism in Social Science Education.
7.      Illustrate the meaning and modes of Curriculum transaction in Social Science.
8.      How can you make use of digital resources for teaching Social Science? How will you develop digital texts and e-content?
9.      Give an account of the scope for a Social Science teacher to make his class ICT integrated.
10.  Explain some important reflective strategies used by a Social Science teacher.
11.  As a teacher of Social Science, how will you design and implement various performance tests in your class?                                 
                                                                                                        (4x5= 20 Marks)


 Answer any one Question. Question carries ten marks.

12.  Explain some modern instructional strategies appropriate for teaching Social Science, with suitable examples.
13.  Explain the importance of e-resources in Social Science education. Mention the important IT enabled instructional resources and explain the ways to its effective utilization.
                                                                                                        (1x10=10 Marks)