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Monday, 30 October 2017

Reflective teaching and E Content Development

Reflective teaching
                                           The term reflective teaching becomes significant when teacher hear the question: “In order to teach don’t you have to think about your teaching?” Not all thinking about teaching constitutes reflective teaching. If a teacher never questions the goal and the values that guide her/his work, the context in which he or she teaches, or never examines his or her assumptions, then this individual is not engaged in reflective teaching. This view is based on a distinction between teaching that is reflective and teaching that is focused.

“The process of reflection for teachers begins when they experience a difficulty, troublesome event, or experience that cannot be immediately resolved. Reflection commences when one inquires in to his or experience and relevant knowledge to find meaning in his or her beliefs. It has the potential to enable teachers to direct their activities with foresight and to plan according to ends-in –view.”                                                                         -John Dewey (1933)

Paula Zwozdiak-Myers (2012) suggested nine dimensions of Reflective practice (Strategies to use in practice):

1. Study your teaching for personal improvement (Reflect regularly)
2. Evaluate your teaching using research (Action Research)
3. Link theory with Practice (Use the literature)
4. Question your personal theories and beliefs (Critical analysis)
5. Consider alternative perspectives and possibilities (Learning conversations)
6. Tryout new strategies and ideas (Innovation)
7. Maximise the learning potential of students (Inclusive practices)
8. Enhance the quality of your teaching (Effective practice)
9. Continue to improve your teaching (Professional learning)

Other general strategies:
·        Keep a teaching journal or diary
·        Collaborative journal writing- a group of teachers keep and share diary entries during a prescribed period
·        Create and utilize self assessment forms
·        Videotape their work in the classroom.
·        Written reports on projects/ experience in the classroom
·        Ask peers to review their work
·        Work with mentor
·        Read and utilise student assessments  

                      ELECTRONIC CONTENT (E-CONTENT)

                               Wide varieties of digital materials which are of educational significance are available online. Some of the quality materials which are available free of cost or with minimum restrictions can be used, re-used and modified by teachers and students for their teaching and learning.  As textbooks are too expensive, the students are switching from textbooks to digital course materials. These materials provide both teachers and students a greater interactivity and social collaboration. One of the materials which can be designed and developed used, re-used and distributed is e-content. 
E-content is becoming popular because of it’s flexibility of time, place and pace of learning. E-content includes all kinds of content created and delivered through various electronic media. E-content is available in many subjects and almost all levels of education. It can be used by wide variety learners with diverse needs, different backgrounds, and previous experience and skill levels. It can be shared and transmitted easily and promptly among unlimited number of users around the world. Teachers, students and others get benefited by the use of well designed and developed e-content. It is advantageous to the educational organizations to make their program accessible to their teachers and students on campus, home and other community learning or resource centers.  It has a significant implications for open and distance learning institutions.               
Electronic content (e-content) which is also known as digital content refers to the content or information delivered over network based electronic devices or that is made available using computer network such as internet. According to Oxford dictionary ‘e-content is the digital text and images designed to display on web pages’. According to Saxena Anurag (2011) ‘E-content is basically a package that satisfies the   conditions like minimization of  distance, cost effectiveness, user friendliness and adaptability to local conditions’.
Well developed e-content can be delivered many times to different learners. Individual course components i.e. units, lessons and media elements such as graphics and animations can be re-used in different contexts.

Designing and Development of E-content

The purpose of e-content development is to create an information rich society. Everyone in the society is empowered to create, receive, share and utilize information for their progress. Very well designed, developed and validated e-content will provide access to high quality meaningful digital content and serve as an effective virtual teacher.

E-content design, development and approach will depend upon the nature of the content and the learners. It will also depend on the quality and complexity the learning you wish to create. Various instructional design models are available according to our requirements. Most of the models involve the process of analyzing the learner needs and goals of the instructional material development, development of a delivery system and content, pilot study of the material developed, implementation, evaluating, refining the materials etc. In designing and development of E-content we have to adopt one of the instructional design models based on our requirements. Before understanding the designing and development of e-content it is essential to understand the meaning of instructional design.
 ‘Instructional design is the practice of creating instructional experiences which make the acquisition of knowledge and skill more efficient, effective and appealing. The process broadly consists of determining the current status of learner understanding, defining the end goal of the instructional material and creating some ‘intervention’ to assist the transition. This systematic approach provides a step by step process for the analysis of the learners’ needs, the design and development of the material'.

Analysis: It is the first phase of this model meant for examining the suitability of the e-content to be developed. It is related to analyzing the learning needs, context, learner, task and content. Analyzing the learning needs is identifying the needs from the perspective of different learners, teachers, subject experts, practitioner, policy makers etc. Needs are to be clearly stated.

Contextual analysis is collecting data related to the context of learning such as learning environment. Whether the e-content developed is for the individual or group, formal or informal, facilitated or self-learning etc.

Learner analysis is collecting data related to learners academic levels and attributes such as skills, motivation, visual literacy, language competency, learning styles etc. That is nothing but preparing the learner profile. It helps to know about the learner.

Task analysis is stating the purposes of developing the e-content. Deciding whether that is developed for educating, training, creating awareness, developing skills etc.

Content analysis is nothing but preparing a content outline. Good content comprehension is required before designing and developing content. It includes verifying the content with respect to cognitive appropriateness, factual accuracy, completeness etc. It also includes classifying the content into facts, concepts, principles, processes and procedures.
Design: It is concerned with defining the learning objectives, structuring the content logically, specifying the instructional and evaluation strategies, and preparing for visual and technical design.

                                    Learning objectives are to be defined in clear, realistic and measurable terms. Learning objectives are the statements that describe what the learner will be able to do at the end of the course or program. Learning objectives should specify performance and communicate their purposes. Prepare a detailed content outline in which content is thoroughly analyzed and logically organized.  Content is to be structured logically following simple to complex, known to unknown, concrete to abstract, general to specific etc.

                                   Instructional strategies are to be stated clearly. Depending on the learning style and nature of the content we have to decide the appropriate instructional strategy. Appropriate media mix that is combination of audio, video, graphics, animation; simulation etc is to be decided.

                                   Learner evaluation strategies such as practice, computer marked or tutor marked assessments, pretest, post-test, remedial tests etc are to be specified. We have to decide about the formative and summative assessments. Before developing the content for the selected course review the proposed learning objectives. Make sure that content, assessment tests and exercises match the objectives stated. Provide the information and knowledge required to meet the learning objectives.

Development: It is related to the creation of story board. Story board is nothing but scripting the entire course content. The term ‘story board’ is taken from film production. In a movie it indicates the visual representation of the various scenes.  In e-content development the story board describes step by step script of the final outcome of the e-content i.e. story board is created to provide a blue print of the course with each and every detail along with the content notes. The story board is created based on the objectives and instructional strategies. Here the developers create and assemble the content assets and learning objects. Programming and integration of all media elements into a cohesive multimedia package are the part of this phase.

Implement: In the implementation phase, materials are distributed to learners. A comprehensive implementation strategy document is developed. This document should cover the course curriculum, learning outcomes, method of delivery in terms of hard ware and soft ware requirements and testing procedures. Ensure that the web site is functional if the material is on the web site.

Evaluation:This phase measures the effectiveness and efficiency of the instruction. Evaluation should actually occur throughout the entire instructional design process - within phases, between phases, and after implementation. Evaluation may be Formative or Summative. Formative Evaluation is ongoing during and between phases. The purpose of this type of evaluation is to improve the instruction before the final version is implemented. Summative Evaluation usually occurs after the final version of instruction is implemented. This type of evaluation assesses the overall effectiveness of the instruction.
Steps of E-Content Development
1.     Setting  the goal
2.     Planning selection
3.     Sequencing
4.     Research the target audience
5.     Prepare Script
6.     Story board
7.     Drafting
8.     Revising
9.     Editing
10.                        Publishing
11.                        Evaluating
12.                        Modification
Setting  the goal
  Learning Objective(What the learner have to know)
  Instructional methods such as examples and practice to help  learning.

Planning selection
  It involves the complete design of the learning solution. It helps to plan the  E-content preparation.
Ø Use of relevant software
Ø Required skills
Ø Creative and innovative interactions of subjects
Ø Mode of deliver of content (text, pictures, videos and suitable animation)


A Shot is the smallest element of a film/video programme. In which continuity of  place and time is preserved. It is taken by a camera held as a place over a short period of time. A concept may consist of several shots. It is necessary to connect the different concepts or sequences through audio and visual transitions which is also called bridge
Research target audience
  We must know the audience and their skills.
Learning strategy is designed on the basis of the nature of the target group. The main aim of the learning process is the positive  changes to be brought about in the learner.
  The age level of the target group.
  Transmission of the cultural elements.
  The existing cognitive structure of the target group.
  The attention span of the student.
Prepare script & Story board
The script is the starting point for a video production. It contains detailed plan of all actions. A script for an educational video production confirms the range of shots, visuals, spoken works or commentary, background music, special effect, duration of each shot and remarks.
  Identify the objective and create  ideas through brainstorming  session with the  producer, graphic artist and media expert
  Style of Presentation
  Details about shot, scenes, sequences
  Fill up the video script  format complete with visual and spoken word. Revise it to ensure to avoid repeated  communication
  The script writer and teacher should set together and discuss the objective of the programme, previous knowledge of the students, methods  to be used for the presentation etc.
  After this the professional scriptwriter can write the script which is again discussed by  the joint team(teacher, scrpit writer, produced, editor and expert persons) then only the finalization takes place.
  Improve the content of the video production according to the programme team to bring positive change to the production.
  Edit the shot into film during the post-production.
It concerns the actual production of the e-content design. It helps the create the e-content by mixing of texts, audios, video, animations, reference and with some programme specifications like home, exit, next etc..
  This phase explain how to install and how to use it. It checks the product accuracy and quality maintenance.
This phase  considers feedback from both learners and instructors. After the feedback reactions, the e-content is designed again  as a post production foe effective delivery of e-content.

Monday, 27 February 2017


FOURTH SEMESTER B. Ed. DEGREE EXAMINATION- 2017 (Two Year Syllabus 2015) EDU 15.10 Advanced Studies: Curriculum and Pedagogic Courses  in Social Science Education
Duration: 75 Minutes                                                                                         Maximum: 50 Marks
Answer all questions. Each question carries one mark.   
1. Which among the following is a factor having least importance in Lesson Planning?                    (A. Statement of objectives, B. selection of Subject matter, C. Inclusion of whole unit area,  D. selection of suitable method)
2. A unit plan involves: i. Content analysis of the unit, ii. The objectives of the unit, iii. Period wise lesson script, iv. Learning activities for the unit
(A. Options i & iii are correct, B. Only option iv is correct, C. Options i, ii & iv are correct,    D. options ii & iii are correct)
3. Socialisation refers to:                                                                                                               (A. A lifelong process whereby a person learns social roles and values,   B. A process of growth from infancy to child hood,   C. The process of personality development in the family,          D. The formality of enrolment as a member of a society)
4. A teacher likes to transact the topic on “Foreign Policy of India” through cooperative learning strategy. Which method is suitable for it? (A. Panel Discussion, B. Group Discussion, C. Guided discovery, D. Brain storming)
5. The intelligence which helps the learner in social science to draw diagrams and histograms while learning “Five Year Plans” (A. Kinesthetic, B. Spatial, C. Naturalistic, D. Intra personal)
6. The activity which gives more direct experience to learners (A. Slide presentation, B. Seeing a motion picture, C. Seeing a working model, D. Visit to a cave site)
7. Identify a debatable topic in Social science (A. Environment and Development, B. Layers of Atmosphere, C. Factors of production, D. Organs of Government)
8. “Delivery and distribution” is an important component of which Microteaching skill? (A. Explaining, B. Black board usage, C. Reinforcement, D. Questioning)
9.  A topic suitable to generate divergent opinions ( A. Egyptian civilization, B. First World war, C. Industrial Revolution, D. Golden age of the Guptas)
10.  While presenting the topic on “First War of Indian Independence”, a teacher gives an overall description of 1857 revolt at first, and then goes to particular opinions of its national character. This approach is (A. Inductive method, B. deductive method, C. Elicitation method, D. Correlation method) 
11. Which among the following is not an aim of Social Science education?                  (A. Harmonious development, B. Promote democratic values, C. Develop skills and abilities, D. Promote Regionalism)
12. The curriculum principle that allows necessary changes in its content and methods as per the changing needs and situations         ( A. Principle of Integration, B. Principle of motivation, C. Forward looking principle, D. Principle of Flexibility)
13. Constructivism gives importance to: (A. Extrinsic motivation, B. Intrinsic motivation.          C. Rewards, D. Punishments)
14. One which is not an area of study in social Science  ( A. Relationship between man and man, B. Relationship between man and institutions, C. Relationship between man and earth, D. Relationship between Man and God)
15. Merits of discussion method indicate: i. Team spirit, ii. Clarity of ideas, iii. Domination by few students, iv. Toleration towards other views. (A. options i & iii are correct, B. options i, ii & iv are correct, C. Only option iii is correct,  D. Only option iv is correct.)
16. The exponent of the Taxonomy that widely used for Psychomotor domain (A. Bloom, B. Krawthwohl, C. Simpson, D. Ausubel) 
17. Which model of teaching considers mind as an information processing system? (A. Advance Organizer Model, B. Jurisprudential Inquiry Model, C. Group Investigation Model, D. Mastery Learning Model)
18. The approach which focuses on intelligence, domains of objectives, levels of knowledge and reinforcement ( A. Behaviourism, B. Cognitive constructivism, C. social Constructivism, D. Meta cognition)
19. An endeavour to synthesize different subjects into integrated knowledge and to synthesize knowledge with actual life is ( A. Communication, B. Brain storming, C. Correlation, D. Simulation)
20. The concept attainment model is developed by ( A. John Dewey, B. J. S. Bruner, C. David P Ausubel, D. Abraham Maslow) 
21. The most higher order instructional objective under revised Blooms Taxonomy (A. Evaluating, B. Creating, C. Applying, D. Analyzing)
22. The central point of Social Science is -   (A. Nature and its mechanisms, B. Universe, C. Man and society, D. Living organisms)
23. Creation of a new schema is (A. Assimilation, B. Accommodation, C. Guided Response, D. Scaffolding)
24. The learning strategy which helps the learner to gain from each other’s efforts (A. Cooperative learning, B. Brain storming, C. Case study, D. Direct Instruction)
25. A Constructivist teacher  (A. Promotes convergent thinking, B. Considers discipline more seriously, C. Promotes exam oriented learning, D. Accepts student initiative and autonomy)
26. The teacher’s mental and emotional visualisation of classroom activities is:  (A. Year plan, B. Unit plan, C. Lesson Plan, D. Resource plan)
27. Globe is an example of  (A. Graphic aid, B. 3D aid, C. Audio Visual aid, D. Projected aid)
28. The book which encourages self study of students (A. Text Book, B. Work Book, C. Hand book, D. Resource book)
29. “Scaled down teaching encounter in class size and time” is: (A. Macro Teaching, B. Team Teaching, C. Models of Teaching, D. Micro Teaching)
30. ‘Change in voice is a component of teaching skill (A. Reinforcement, B. Stimulus variation, C. Explaining, D. Introducing the lesson)
31. The pivot and hub around which all activities in school resolve.      (A. Text book, B. ICT,    C. Curriculum,    D. Evaluation)
32. The approach to know things in the first instance as ‘wholes’ and gradually learn to analyse them.    (A. Concentric,  B. Topical,  C. Unit,  D. Analytical)
33. E-learning in Social Science is compulsory for: (A. Regular class room, B. Online Courses, C. Distance Education, D. Adult Education
34. Utilisation of YouTube resources in classroom while teaching Social Science is:
(A. Video lesson presentation, B. Learning Management system, C. IT enabled process, D. Skill development programme 
35. Action research is conducted: (A. To solve immediate learning problems, B. To modify curriculum, C. To revise text books, D. To develop approach paper)
36. One which is not true about internet and teaching of Social Science:     A) Data are available on various topics of Social Science.     B) Video lessons on various topics are available for teaching purpose.     C) Online distance education is possible in Social Science subject areas.     D) All down loading materials on Social Science are authentic & Comprehensive.
37. A simple example of techno pedagogy is:     A) Showing a video clipping of election campaign while introducing the topic ‘Organs  of Government’  B) Recording the seminar presentation on ‘Organs of Government’   C) Show the printed pictures from internet suitable for the topic ‘Organs of Government   D) Directing the students to conduct a mock parliament
38. Which among the following models of teaching belongs to Social Interaction Family?    A) Inquiry Training Model    B) Advanced Organizer Model    C) Non-directive Teaching Model    D) Partnership Learning Model
39. E- content development on ‘Five Year Plans’ will be more useful for:     A) Online learning, B) Video conferencing     C) Regular class room, D) Power point presentation
40. Second phase of Group Investigation Model is: A) Students encounter the puzzling situation, B) Students explore reactions to the situation C) Independent and group study, D) Students analyse progress and process.
41. Which of the following is used as an activity for developing Nationalism? (A.  Singing National Anthem, B. Studying World History, C. Celebrating birth days of world leaders, D. Celebrating Inter National Days)
42. Which of the following learning method is most effective in Social Science Education?  (A. by seeing, B. by reading, C. by listening, D. by doing)
 43. Which among the following is a meta-cognitive strategy? (A. Problem based learning   B. Cooperative learning   C. Collaborative learning D. Reflective teaching)
 44. Chronological approach is more useful in organising ------- curriculum. (A. History,    B. Economics,    C. Political Science,   D. Geography)
 45. Advanced Organizer Model of teaching was developed by  - (A. John Dewey,   B. David Ausubel,   C. Benjamin Bloom,   D. Richard Suchman)
46. Which of the following techniques is most appropriate for motivating gifted children in a Social Science class? (A. Team teaching,    B. Assignments,    C. Peer tutoring,   D. Group discussion)
47. Which approach of organising curriculum is more content centred? (A. Spiral approach,    B. Unit approach,    C. Chronological approach,   D. Concentric approach)
 48. Which of the following can be treated as a secondary source in Social Science research?  (A. The Constitution of India, B. Coins, C. Novels and Stories, D. Inscriptions)
 49. Which of the following is a specification of ‘Create’ as an objective? (A. Produces,   B. Draws,   C. Classifies,   D. Differentiates)
50. What is the expanded form of ‘NCF’?  (A. National Curriculum Federation,    B. Non formal Curriculum Framework,     C. Non formal Curriculum Federation ,   D. National Curriculum Framework)  
Answer Key 

   1 C      2 C        3 A       4 B       5 A       6 D        7 A        8 D       9 D     10 B  11 D    12 D      13 B     14 D     15 B     16 B       17 A      18 B     19 C     20 B  21 B     22 C      23 A     24 A     25 A     26 C       27 B      28 B     29 D     30 B 31 C    32 D      33 B     34 C     35 A     36 D       37 A      38 D     39 A     40 B 41 A     42 D      43 D    44 A     45B       46 C       47 B      48 C     49 A     50 D