SEMESTER B. Ed. DEGREE EXAMINATION- 2017 (Two Year Syllabus 2015) EDU 15.10
Advanced Studies: Curriculum and Pedagogic Courses in Social Science Education
Duration: 75 Minutes
Maximum: 50 Marks
Answer all questions. Each question carries one mark.
1. Which among the following is a factor having least
importance in Lesson Planning? (A. Statement of
objectives, B. selection of Subject matter, C. Inclusion of whole unit
area, D. selection of suitable method)
2. A unit plan involves: i. Content analysis of the unit,
ii. The objectives of the unit, iii. Period wise lesson script, iv. Learning
activities for the unit
(A. Options i & iii are correct, B. Only option iv is
correct, C. Options i, ii & iv are correct, D. options ii & iii are correct)
3. Socialisation refers to:
A lifelong process whereby a person learns social roles and values, B. A process of growth from infancy to child
hood, C. The process of personality
development in the family, D.
The formality of enrolment as a member of a society)
4. A teacher likes to transact the topic on “Foreign Policy
of India” through cooperative learning strategy. Which method is suitable for
it? (A. Panel Discussion, B. Group Discussion, C. Guided discovery, D. Brain
5. The intelligence which helps the learner in social
science to draw diagrams and histograms while learning “Five Year Plans” (A.
Kinesthetic, B. Spatial, C. Naturalistic, D. Intra personal)
6. The activity which gives more direct experience to
learners (A. Slide presentation, B. Seeing a motion picture, C. Seeing a
working model, D. Visit to a cave site)
7. Identify a debatable topic in Social science (A.
Environment and Development, B. Layers of Atmosphere, C. Factors of production,
D. Organs of Government)
8. “Delivery and distribution” is an important component of
which Microteaching skill? (A. Explaining, B. Black board usage, C.
Reinforcement, D. Questioning)
9. A topic suitable
to generate divergent opinions ( A. Egyptian civilization, B. First World war,
C. Industrial Revolution, D. Golden age of the Guptas)
10. While presenting
the topic on “First War of Indian Independence”, a teacher gives an overall
description of 1857 revolt at first, and then goes to particular opinions of its
national character. This approach is (A. Inductive method, B. deductive method,
C. Elicitation method, D. Correlation method)
11. Which among the following is not an aim of Social
Science education? (A.
Harmonious development, B. Promote democratic values, C. Develop skills and
abilities, D. Promote Regionalism)
12. The curriculum principle that allows necessary changes
in its content and methods as per the changing needs and situations ( A. Principle of Integration, B.
Principle of motivation, C. Forward looking principle, D. Principle of
13. Constructivism gives importance to: (A. Extrinsic
motivation, B. Intrinsic motivation.
C. Rewards, D. Punishments)
14. One which is not an area of study in social Science ( A. Relationship between man and man, B.
Relationship between man and institutions, C. Relationship between man and
earth, D. Relationship between Man and God)
15. Merits of discussion method indicate: i. Team spirit,
ii. Clarity of ideas, iii. Domination by few students, iv. Toleration towards
other views. (A. options i & iii are correct, B. options i, ii & iv are
correct, C. Only option iii is correct,
D. Only option iv is correct.)
16. The exponent of the Taxonomy that widely used for
Psychomotor domain (A. Bloom, B. Krawthwohl, C. Simpson, D. Ausubel)
17. Which model of teaching considers mind as an information
processing system? (A. Advance Organizer Model, B. Jurisprudential Inquiry
Model, C. Group Investigation Model, D. Mastery Learning Model)
18. The approach which focuses on intelligence, domains of
objectives, levels of knowledge and reinforcement ( A. Behaviourism, B.
Cognitive constructivism, C. social Constructivism, D. Meta cognition)
19. An endeavour to synthesize different subjects into
integrated knowledge and to synthesize knowledge with actual life is ( A.
Communication, B. Brain storming, C. Correlation, D. Simulation)
20. The concept attainment model is developed by ( A. John
Dewey, B. J. S. Bruner, C. David P Ausubel, D. Abraham Maslow)
21. The most higher order instructional objective under
revised Blooms Taxonomy (A. Evaluating, B. Creating, C. Applying, D. Analyzing)
22. The central point of Social Science is - (A. Nature and its mechanisms, B. Universe,
C. Man and society, D. Living organisms)
23. Creation of a new schema is (A. Assimilation, B.
Accommodation, C. Guided Response, D. Scaffolding)
24. The learning strategy which helps the learner to gain
from each other’s efforts (A. Cooperative learning, B. Brain storming, C. Case
study, D. Direct Instruction)
25. A Constructivist teacher
(A. Promotes convergent thinking, B. Considers discipline more
seriously, C. Promotes exam oriented learning, D. Accepts student initiative
and autonomy)
26. The teacher’s mental and emotional visualisation of
classroom activities is: (A. Year plan,
B. Unit plan, C. Lesson Plan, D. Resource plan)
27. Globe is an example of
(A. Graphic aid, B. 3D aid, C. Audio Visual aid, D. Projected aid)
28. The book which encourages self study of students (A.
Text Book, B. Work Book, C. Hand book, D. Resource book)
29. “Scaled down teaching encounter in class size and time”
is: (A. Macro Teaching, B. Team Teaching, C. Models of Teaching, D. Micro
30. ‘Change in voice is a component of teaching skill (A.
Reinforcement, B. Stimulus variation, C. Explaining, D. Introducing the lesson)
31. The pivot and hub around which all activities in school
resolve. (A. Text book, B. ICT, C. Curriculum, D. Evaluation)
32. The approach to know things in the first instance as
‘wholes’ and gradually learn to analyse them.
(A. Concentric, B. Topical, C. Unit,
D. Analytical)
33. E-learning in Social Science is compulsory for: (A.
Regular class room, B. Online Courses, C. Distance Education, D. Adult
34. Utilisation of YouTube resources in classroom while
teaching Social Science is:
(A. Video lesson presentation, B. Learning Management
system, C. IT enabled process, D. Skill development programme
35. Action research is conducted: (A. To solve immediate
learning problems, B. To modify curriculum, C. To revise text books, D. To
develop approach paper)
36. One which is not true about internet and teaching of
Social Science: A) Data are available
on various topics of Social Science.
B) Video lessons on various topics are available for teaching
purpose. C) Online distance education
is possible in Social Science subject areas.
D) All down loading materials on Social Science are authentic &
37. A simple example of techno pedagogy is: A) Showing a video clipping of election
campaign while introducing the topic ‘Organs
of Government’ B) Recording the
seminar presentation on ‘Organs of Government’
C) Show the printed pictures from internet suitable for the topic
‘Organs of Government D) Directing the
students to conduct a mock parliament
38. Which among the following models of teaching belongs to
Social Interaction Family? A) Inquiry
Training Model B) Advanced Organizer
Model C) Non-directive Teaching
Model D) Partnership Learning Model
39. E- content development on ‘Five Year Plans’ will be more
useful for: A) Online learning, B)
Video conferencing C) Regular class
room, D) Power point presentation
40. Second phase of Group Investigation Model is: A)
Students encounter the puzzling situation, B) Students explore reactions to the
situation C) Independent and group study, D) Students analyse progress and
41. Which of the following is used as an activity for
developing Nationalism? (A. Singing
National Anthem, B. Studying World History, C. Celebrating birth days of world
leaders, D. Celebrating Inter National Days)
42. Which of the following learning method is most effective
in Social Science Education? (A. by
seeing, B. by reading, C. by listening, D. by doing)
43. Which among the
following is a meta-cognitive strategy? (A. Problem based learning B. Cooperative learning C. Collaborative learning D. Reflective
44. Chronological
approach is more useful in organising ------- curriculum. (A. History, B. Economics, C. Political Science, D. Geography)
45. Advanced
Organizer Model of teaching was developed by
- (A. John Dewey, B. David
Ausubel, C. Benjamin Bloom, D. Richard Suchman)
46. Which of the following techniques is most appropriate
for motivating gifted children in a Social Science class? (A. Team
teaching, B. Assignments, C. Peer tutoring, D. Group discussion)
47. Which approach of organising curriculum is more content
centred? (A. Spiral approach, B. Unit
approach, C. Chronological
approach, D. Concentric approach)
48. Which of the
following can be treated as a secondary source in Social Science research? (A. The Constitution of India, B. Coins, C.
Novels and Stories, D. Inscriptions)
49. Which of the
following is a specification of ‘Create’ as an objective? (A. Produces, B. Draws,
C. Classifies, D.
50. What is the expanded form of ‘NCF’? (A. National Curriculum Federation, B. Non formal Curriculum Framework, C. Non formal Curriculum Federation , D. National Curriculum Framework)
Answer Key
1 C 2 C
3 A 4 B 5 A
6 D 7 A 8 D 9 D
10 B 11 D 12 D
13 B 14 D 15 B
16 B 17 A 18 B
19 C 20 B 21 B
22 C 23 A 24 A
25 A 26 C 27 B
28 B 29 D 30 B 31 C 32 D
33 B 34 C 35 A
36 D 37 A 38 D
39 A 40 B 41 A 42 D
43 D 44 A 45B
46 C 47 B 48 C
49 A 50 D
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